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Scientist looking through a microscope

One biomarker,
two scoring methods1

Tumour cell

Tumour cell

Tumour-associated immune cells

Tumour-associated immune cells

PD-L1–positive cell

PD-L1–positive cell

Tumour Proportion Score (TPS)1


of PD-L1 positive tumour cells

Total # of viable tumour cells

x 100%

TPS is reported as a percentage.

TPS is calculated by dividing the number of tumour cells showing partial or complete PD-L1 membrane staining by the total number of all viable tumour cells present in the sample and multiplying the quotient by 100%.

CPS scoring – Definition of positive immune cells in contrast to positive tumour cells:

Positivity of immune cells:

Any membrane and/or cytoplasmic staining (at any intensity) of lymphocytes and macrophages (mononuclear inflammatory cells ; MICs) within tumour nests and/or adjacent supporting stroma is considered PD-L1 staining and should be included in scoring. Only MICs directly associated with the response against the tumour are scored.

Positivity of tumour cells:

Any convincing partial or complete linear membrane staining (at any intensity) of viable tumour cells that is perceived as distinct from cytoplasmic staining is considered PD-L1 staining and should be included in scoring.

Tumour cell

Tumour cell

Tumour-associated immune cells

Tumour-associated immune cells

PD-L1–positive cell

PD-L1–positive cell

Combined Positive Score (CPS)1


of PD-L1 positive cells

Total # of viable tumour cells

x 100

CPS is reported as a numeric value.

CPS is calculated by dividing the number of PD-L1–positive tumour cells and tumour-associated immune cells


  • lymphocytes
  • macrophages


  • neutrophils
  • eosinophils
  • plasma cells

by the total number of all viable tumour cells in the sample and multiplying the quotient by 100. The maximum score is defined as CPS 100.

CPS scoring – Definition of tumour-associated immune cells:

Adjacent MICs are defined as being within the same 20x field as the tumour. However, MICs that are NOT directly associated with the response to the tumour should be excluded.

Immune cells and
tumour-associated cells

Report actionable results

Tumour Proportion Score reportingThis is an example of an NSCLC specimen from the Agilent NSCLC manual for the PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx test. Stain imagery shows cells staining positive for PD-L1, with a TPS of 60%. This TPS is greater than 1%, which indicates potential eligibility for KEYTRUDA®.TPS reporting TPSStain imagery shown at 40x magnification.PD-L1 IHC60%TPS > 1%MarkerTumour proportion scoreInterpretationInclude the percentage of cells staining positive for PD-L1Indicate potential eligibility for KEYTRUDA®NSCLC Specimen

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020, Reproduced with Permission, Courtesy of Agilent Technologies, Inc.

This is an example of an NSCLC specimen from the Agilent NSCLC manual for the PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx test, and is not meant to be representative of all patients and tissue stains. Furthermore, these images should not be used as a means to diagnose and prescribe KEYTRUDA®.

Please consult the KEYTRUDA® product monograph when determining whether PD-L1 testing is required for a particular KEYTRUDA® NSCLC indication.

Combined Positive Score reportingThis is an example of a TNBC specimen from the Agilent TNBC manual for the PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx test. Stain imagery shows cells staining positive for PD-L1, with a CPS between 91 to 97. This CPS is greater than 10, which indicates potential eligibility for KEYTRUDA®.CPS reporting CPSStain imagery shown at 20x magnification.PD-L1 IHC91-97CPS ≥ 10MarkerCombined positive scoreInterpretationInclude CPS as a number from 0 to 100bIndicate potential eligibility for KEYTRUDA®TNBC Specimen

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020, Reproduced with Permission, Courtesy of Agilent Technologies, Inc.

This is an example of a TNBC specimen from the Agilent TNBC manual for the PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx test, and is not meant to be representative of all patients and tissue stains. Furthermore, these images should not be used as a means to diagnose and prescribe KEYTRUDA®.

Please consult the KEYTRUDA® product monograph when determining whether PD-L1 testing is required for a particular KEYTRUDA® TNBC indication.


  1. PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx SK006 (package insert). Agilent. Available from: https://www.agilent.com/cs/library/packageinsert/public/P03951E_20.pdf. Last accessed: November 14, 2022.
  2. PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx Interpretation Manual NSCLC. Agilent. Available from: https://www.agilent.com/cs/library/usermanuals/public/29158_pd-l1-ihc-22C3-pharmdx-nsclc-interpretation-manual.pdf. Last accessed: May 12, 2023.
  3. PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx Interpretation Manual Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). Agilent. Available from: https://www.agilent.com/cs/library/usermanuals/public/29389_22c3_pharmdx_tnbc_interpretation_manual_kn355.pdf. Last accessed: May 12, 2023.